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What does PCA stand for?

PCA stands for Presbyterian Church in America, our denomination. The PCA is an evangelical denomination and is the 2nd largest Presbyterian church in the United States. The PCA is known for its work in world missions, church planting, college ministry, and theological leadership in evangelicalism.



Trinity was founded in 1990 as a church plant of the Tates Creek Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Lexington. Tates Creek called Curt Gardner to pastor the new church plant in 1991. He continues as Trinity’s pastor today. We became a self-governing church in 1994 and bought our current building in 2001.


Worship Style

We sing both traditional hymns and contemporary worship choruses. We also approach God through responsive scripture readings and unison prayers and creeds from the history of the church. We incorporate the historic traditions of worship while including the best of what God is doing in contemporary worship movements. There is no dress code for worship. Some wear suits; others wear shorts and jeans. All are welcome.


Worship Times

We meet each Sunday morning at 11:00 at 315 Spangler Drive. Spangler Drive is accessible from the Eastern Bypass from both Wayne Drive and South Porter Drive. Sunday school precedes our worship service, at 9:45.

Our Pastor


Pastor Curt Gardner is a graduate of Western Kentucky University where he majored in philosophy and religious studies and of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary where he concentrated on church history and historical theology.


His grandfather was an evangelist for the Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship, one of the organizations that helped found the Presbyterian Church in America. His father is a PCA pastor and one of the founding members of the PCA.


Curt was ordained as a pastor in 1989. He came to Richmond to be the church planter for Trinity in 1991 and continues as its pastor today.


Curt has been married to Kim for 40 years. Kim works for the non-profit Save the Children as their Kentucky Flood Relief Coordinator. They have two adult children.


Curt enjoys listening to classic literature on CD, is an avid fan of the St Louis Cardinals and the Kentucky Wildcats and follows developments in the federal court system. He is obsessed with Lord of the Rings, loves researching anything on Google and prefers wearing ties from the Metropolitan Museum of Art Shop.


Favorite Theologians and Spiritual Writers: John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, BB Warfield, CS Lewis, JRW Stott, JI Packer, Sinclair Ferguson, Tim Keller and Jerram Barrs.

Our Beliefs


Trinity believes the heart of Christianity is the gospel of God’s grace in Christ. We believe the Church ought to be a place where hurting sinners can find God’s love and healing. We believe in examining ourselves for sin first and foremost and only then engaging the world in humility and love.


The continual experience of God’s mercy in Christ empowers and shapes the Christian life; therefore, daily faith and repentance should characterize our spiritual walk. God’s grace enables us to be honest about the depth of our sin which is the foundation for spiritual growth.


We believe in preaching Christ and the gospel from every verse in the Bible. While we are Calvinistic in theology and believe in the Westminster Confession of Faith, we preach Christ, not Calvin; the Bible, not the creed.


In the gospel of grace there is life, but legalism hinders spiritual growth. Therefore, Christian ethics should be based on what the Scriptures say are right and wrong, not on traditions of the evangelical sub-culture.


The organized Church should not get involved in politics, but should concentrate on preaching Christ and helping all people grow in their devotion to him. Individual Christians should apply God’s truth and love politically as their individual consciences dictate.


Click here for a more detailed description of our beliefs:

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